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South Beach Diet Delivery Reviews – Foods, Products, Cost, What To Know Extensive and Unbiased

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South Beach Diet Delivery Reviews – Foods, Products, and More To Lose Weight Fast & Get in The Best Shape of your Life

South Beach Diet Delivery Reviews - Foods, Products, Cost,

The South Beach Diet is famous for being one of the most effective weight loss programs in the world. South Beach Diet Delivery Reviews – the system combines the scientific knowledge of world renowned cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston with the ease of a structured and affordable plan. We wanted to take a deeper look at the program and put its claims to the test. Here’s what we learned.

The South Beach Diet has three phases to optimize weight loss. They ship delicious and easy to prepare meals right to your door. The program is designed to help you quickly get started by reducing carbs and resetting your body. This scientific approach means that all you have to do is eat the food and watch your body transform before your eyes.

Why The South Beach Diet is the Ultimate Modern Diet Solution that Works

Many people have heard of the South Beach Diet, but they often don’t understand exactly how and why it works. Weight loss can be a complicated topic to get right, and it can be hard to figure out exactly what is the right diet to meet your goals. That’s why Dr. Agatston, a world-renowned cardiologist, dug deep into the science and built a program designed specifically to help you lose weight and stay on track.

South Beach Diet uses three doctor designed phases to ensure that you lose weight in a safe and structured manner. You’ll get delicious and easy to prepare meals delivered right to your door. South Beach Diet replaces bad carbs with lean proteins, fruits and veggies, plus they provide recipes and easy-to-follow exercise plans to help you along the way, so all you have to do is focus on weight loss.

South Beach Diet Delivery Reviews - Foods, Products, Cost

From the start, the plan focuses on lean proteins and healthy fats. Begin with Phase 1 (the first two weeks) and follow their easy to use planner, designed specifically to keep you on track. The plan is specifically designed to help you lose weight fast. Phase 2 (beginning in week 3) is where you add back fruits, veggies, and whole grains until you meet your ultimate weight goal. Phase 3 (once you’ve reached your ideal weight) will give you all the tools you need to make maintaining your new body easy. South Beach has a range of options including their A La Carte menu so that you can keep eating your favorite meals and snacks while you make the transition.

The key to the program is the food. It doesn’t have the restriction and boring meals you’ll find in many modern fad diets. The slow-roasted Chicken Almondine in a savory gravy with crunchy slivered almonds is a favorite of ours, and the tender and tangy Beef with Balsamic Glaze is the perfect way to end the day. For those midday snack cravings, the Dark Chocolate Nut Bar is perfect little bit of sweetness you need. It’s the kind of food that makes you excited to eat!

The best part is that it doesn’t require endless amounts of exercise to lose weight. In fact, studies have found that you’re more likely to lose weight by cutting calories than by increasing exercise. So don’t worry that your physical limitations are going to stand in the way of your weight loss goals. If you focus on following the South Beach plan, you will have everything you need to be a healthier you.

The key to a weight loss program’s success is having a variety of delicious meals and making everything easy to follow. For under $11 per day, you can choose from a wide variety of fully prepared meals for fast weight loss.

That’s why the South Beach Diet is our top pick for a safe and effective weight loss program that can help you get into the best shape of your life.

The South Beach Diet has been around for a number of years and maintains its popularity because of its high level of success. It’s one of our favorite weight loss programs.

The Good News

  • It emphasizes good nutrition as a lifestyle change, instead of advocating short-term deprivation and dieting
  • Includes good carbohydrates and good fats, so your body receives the nutrition it needs
  • Is good for people with lots of weight to lose, and those who are diabetic or pre-diabetic, as well as the general population
  • No need to count calories or weigh portions

The Bad News

  • The initial phase, although short, required you to cutdown sugar cravings, especially for people addicted to sugar or other carbs
  • It takes time for participants to develop an understanding of the nutritional program.

What is the South Beach Diet?

It’s a 3-phased approach to changing the way you eat for life. Originally developed by a cardiologist named Arthur Agatston, the South Beach program is designed not only to help you lose weight, but to do so without harming your body, especially your heart. In fact, the South Beach diet can improve heart health. It focuses on a diet of whole grains, vegetables and fruits, lean proteins, low-fat dairy products, and healthy fats.

South Beach Diet Delivery Reviews - Foods, Products, Cost

Instead of spending time counting calories, points, or measuring serving sizes, the South Beach diet focuses primarily on which foods to eat and which ones to avoid. The foods included are nutrient-rich foods with a low glycemic index, so your blood sugar doesn’t spike after eating and then rapidly decline (a sugar “crash”) within 30-60 minutes after you finish your meal or snack. The food choices are also selected to satisfy hunger and leave you feeling full, so that although you may not be eating your favorite pastry, at least you’re not going around feeling hungry all day.

The 3-Phase Approach of the South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet consists of three phases – an short induction phase, a longer-term weight-loss phase, and a maintenance phase. Most participants will start with Phase 1, but if you only need to lose 10 pounds or less and you don’t have a particular problem with belly fat, you can skip directly to Phase 2.

Phase 1 – The 2-Week Induction Phase

The goal of the first phase of the South Beach Diet is to get your blood sugar levels under control. By reducing your blood sugar level and stopping the cycle of sugar-highs and crashes, you’ll reduce your cravings for sweets and other carbohydrates. This phase is the only difficult portion of the diet, and many foods are limited, especially carbohydrates. For the first two weeks you need to completely eliminate sugar, bread, pasta, rice, and even fruit and fruit juice (because they also contain sugars).

Phase 2 – The Long-Term Weight Loss Phase

South Beach Diet Delivery Reviews - Foods, Products, CostAfter you complete Phase 1, you can begin to add good carbohydrates back into your diet. By focusing on the right kind of carbohydrates, primarily whole grains, your body works harder to digest those carbohydrates. This means that the sugar is released slowly and steadily into your bloodstream instead of all at once. Good carbohydrates include whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, brown rice, and sweet potatoes (or other nutrient-rich root vegetables…but not regular potatoes.)

Phase 2 is all about gradual weight loss. The plan focuses on gradual but consistent weight loss because it’s easier to maintain and doesn’t deprive your body of necessary nutrients. In fact, the foods on the South Beach Diet plan are designed to include the most nutrient-rich ingredients available.

Phase 3 – The Maintenance Phase

The South Beach Diet, despite its name, is really a life-long nutritional change, not a diet program that ends once you reach your desired weight. This is where Phase 3 comes in. Once you’ve reached your goal weight, you stay in Phase 3 for the rest of your life. This phase allows more frequent indulgences while still focusing on the principles of good nutrition that you developed during the first two phases of the program.

Who is a Good Candidate for the South Beach Diet?

The best aspect of the South Beach Diet is that it’s safe acceptable for most dieters. Many people associate it with the Atkin’s diet, but in truth, the South Beach Diet is much more heart-friendly, because it’s lower in bad fats and higher in good carbohydrates. The South Beach Diet doesn’t rely on ketosis (which causes weight loss but also has negative health effects).South Beach Diet Delivery Reviews - Foods, Products, Cost

The following groups of people can benefit from the South Beach Diet:

  • People who have a large amount of weight to lose
  • Diabetics and pre-diabetics
  • Almost anyone who needs to lose weight safely and healthily

What about Exercise?

Unlike many programs, the South Beach Diet focuses on doable exercise as well as nutrition. It recognizes that good eating and an active lifestyle go hand-in-hand. You are encouraged to exercise for 20 minutes a day – not a huge commitment even for busy individuals. The exercise program includes walking and light calisthenics that complement your goals without burning you out. Even people who hate to exercise can often fit in a 20-minute walk each day, especially if you do it with a friend or family member.

Benefits of the South Beach Diet

The primary expectation of a successful diet plan is weight loss, of course. But in addition to helping you lose weight, the South Beach Diet should also cause other healthy benefits, such as:

  • Lowering your LDL (“bad cholesterol”) levels
  • Lowering your triglyceride levels
  • Lowering your blood pressure
  • Lowering your blood sugar levels
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Raising HDL (“good cholesterol”) levels
  • Easiest and Fast Healthy Way to Lose Weight
Additionally, you may reduce the risk of certain diseases associated with a diet too high in sugar or fat, and diseases associated with inflammation, including:
  • heart disease
  • stroke
  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes
  • some forms of cancer
  • arthritis
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • depression

The Website

The South Beach Diet was originally published in book form, and the original book as well as several companion books are available on at the Official website or in your local bookstore. There are also South Beach frozen meals and snacks available in your grocery store. If you want additional help following the plan, learning about nutrition, or planning your meals and shopping lists, you should visit the official South Beach Diet website,

South Beach Diet Delivery Reviews - Foods, Products, Cost


The website provides you with a number of tools, including customized meal plans, over 1000 South Beach recipes (including vegetarian options), a personalized shopping list to take to the grocery store, support for the community of participants as well as registered dieticians, and regular input from Dr. Agatston. There is a fee associated with the site, but you can get a free 7-day trial, and then it’s only $5/week after that. Plus you can cancel anytime. Click here to visit the website Official and start a free trial to see if the program is right for you and You can Claim FREE 2017 Coupons.

Try the South Beach Diet

If you decide to try the South Beach Diet, pick up a copy of the book at the offcial website, or get your first week free and use the tools available at the website:

Update: The awesome folks over at the South Beach Diet are offering a special deal for our readers. Follow this link for 40% off your first auto-delivery order and free shipping as long as you’re on the program!**

** Free shakes with any 4-week plan, first order only. Free shipping Continental U.S. only with every plan shipment. Discount off the regular one-time rate with new auto-delivery order, first shipment only. With auto-delivery you are automatically charged and shipped your South Beach Diet plan once every 4 weeks unless you cancel.



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